DIY: Ribbon Loom Flowers Gift Topper + Broach

Guest post by Denise Sharp of Studio d.Sharp

I found a large stash of vintage seam binding and love to make ribbon loom flowers with it. For this project, the blooms are both gift topper and a broach to wear- a simple and stylish way to embellish a present.

In addition to vintage, new rayon seam binding is easy to find and comes in a huge array of colors. To make the flowers I used both a vintage loom {found on Ebay} and a loom made by Clover. Traditionally, straw or thinner width ribbon is used with looms, but I like how the seam binding makes the flowers a bit blousy and full.


Click "continue" to get the full instructions below.

Following the loom’s instructions, I created three different flowers.They are simple to make and there are a number of different techniques. A fuller flower is produced by wrapping the ribbon a couple times around each peg. I also made one flower with both outer and inner petals. {the yellow loom} For the two smaller blooms, I didn’t follow the instructions for finishing the center - as the ribbon would be too bulky for those sizes. Instead, I worked my way around the flower clockwise, crisscrossing the center tightly between the pegs and tying it off.

To create the pin back, anchor a piece of ribbon to the end of an 3 inch arc of pipe cleaner with glue { I use hot glue} and wrap the ribbon tightly as you work your way up. Glue a pin to the center of the arc and with pin bar open, wrap ribbon over the base of the pin and to the top, securing end of ribbon with a touch of glue. To make the ribbon loop, layer three loops as shown and attach it with glue to a short length of pipe cleaner. Wrap a bit of ribbon a couple of times over that spot and tie to secure.

Next, hot glue the flowers and ribbon loop to the pin back as desired.To clean up the back, I glued smaller pieces of ribbon over the glue joints to conceal them. To attach to gift, slide pin over the ribbon on the box and close to secure. I hope you enjoy working with the flower loom and blooms!

Find d.Sharp at Poppytalk Handmade this month as well as online:

Jan Halvarson

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this is lemonade said...

Oh wow. Absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for sharing this. I love it to pieces!

Christine said...

So that's what it is!!!!!
I have one of these plastic things in my craft room and I haven't thrown it out cos I don't know what it is!!!! Gotta try it out now. Thank you for this posting, and the lovely flowers.

Christine said...

So that's what it is!!!!!
I have one of these plastic things in my craft room and I haven't thrown it out cos I don't know what it is!!!! Gotta try it out now. Thank you for this posting, and the lovely flowers.

Wendy said...

Wonderful. I have a flower loom (though it's not vintage) and I've made flowers using yarn, but these are something else, thanks for sharing!

Jennifer@DreamingofJune said...

I love this. What a way to dress up a gift.

Flowers for love said...

Nice creation..loved such artificial Arrangement of Flowers!!

Cdestep said...

Does anyone have a guess as to how many yards of ribbon the large flower would take?